July 2023

(streak.club is a site where you use a daily log to push yourself to do something specific every single day, in a streak. I documented my game creation project there for a while.)

2023-07-03: Taking some time off
... from the main game programming! Because now I'm making a soundtrack for the game!!

2023-07-02: Delight - Mega Yak music video
No, TODAY I'm cranking one out. Maybe even to itch.io.

yes, new broken version out today https://kbrecordzz.com/notacarclub
Also on itch.io: https://kbrecordzz.itch.io/this-is-not-a-car-club-broken-version

2023-07-01: Choi Yena - Wicked Love
cranking one out

2023-06-30: Toby Fox newsletter
Fixed some small major things that made cutscenes ugly. Now they're beautiful.
Next up: Fix mouse click error on phone (which is actually touch error).
Then: Add newly written story, test stuff, add copious amounts of things, and release new version tonight.

Update: No new version tonight baby. BUT milestone: Now the game is playable from start to the start of the last boss. Without breaking. Ok i will finish it I promise.

2023-06-29: nickmer.ch
Structured things so I can finish better
Tonight: testing

2023-06-28: nightcore
fixed some things. wrote some funny stuff. made a planet. tomorrow: testing. making something.

2023-06-27: good.game.bro.
graphics (not really satisfied but got things done kind of)
fixing plothole (did it. now 'epper has a purpose.)

2023-06-26: lot of shit. finishing

Today: fixing things you do (gameplay)
Tomorrow: making things look good (world & graphics)
Wednesday: making story fun and coherent (where it should be)
Then: test 4 2 days and release a somewhat good and finished release.

Next month: make a cool soundtrack. Then the last version of the game will be released. At the end of july. It will probably take longer but I forbid it to do, so...

2023-06-25: loud.speakers
Today I'm polishing gameplay, or as I call it, "things you do".
Adding things while keeping complexity down! making it big but keeping it small! every new things add 3 new problems so take it easy with things, make sure your things consist of few things!
Is there any way to prevent me from mixing up x with z (coordinates) in my code? There's nothing illegal with mixing them up but the game results don't turn out as I want.

2023-06-24: streak.club sounds gross
UV wrapping for roofs
And now you can DRIVE ON ROOFS! They're no longer eternal physical poles from the underground to the heavens that only work in two dimensions, now their physics are in 3D!

2023-06-23: bit.ly
Fixed long-time house generating problem (problem was in ONE line only but I rewrote the whole house system to find it. Probably for the better anyway!)

2023-06-22: mob
Trying to learn to program well on the phone
Obsoleted some terrain stuff (good!! It's has way too many concepts in it!)

2023-06-21: Computer crashed
Restructured terrain code so it can hopefully run faster (do less unimportant things/repetitions).
Fixed some random thing because I didn't feel like doing anything else. Spending late night going through all comments in the code to see if I can fix some small issues (/// in vim). For example I made a small black screen that appears 2 seconds when you choose to start the gamr from a new chapter. Because when you do that you get transfered to a new location and it takes a second for the terrain to load. So instead of watching the terrain load you get a short anticipating black empty screen, that makes you feel like it's the start of a movie.
Tomorrow I will release a broken version of the game where you can actually (brokenly) go to the end of the game! Let's hope I don't F this up!!

2023-06-20: library wifis don't allow SSH so I made my own text editor in HTML (I rule!)
continuing to struggle with adding all content to the game. struggle struggle struggle

Update: I published a new sloppy/broken release! https://kbrecordzz.com/notacarclub

2023-06-19: eu0.flamingtext.com
Simplified racing code
Updated ice area
Made new better race in Epper Land
Added ways for characters to drive more varied (they bump into each other, and get turbo by energydrinks with fuck you hand on them)
Made more ground texture for "Norway" (actually Norway/HongKong/Japan) area

2023-06-18: More
speeding up things (I think)
fixed cutscene error (YES!!)
trying to fix house walls (update: I didn't do it)
race countdown UI (=text & stuff)

2023-06-17: noclip.website
Added fog in the morning
Added vroom vroom sound on the other cars

You see how I've built my creation systems so that I can focus on creating things instead of on creating new systems? Excellent. The fruits of my labor is finally falling into place.

2023-06-16: streak.club
Fixed mobile controls (AGAIN)
Added stuff
Made rain!
Bla bla bla

Game is getting better and better.

Added local inhabitants.

2023-06-14: Progressing
Releasing shit (https://kbrecordzz.com/notacarclub). Still undone but getting more and more done for every day.

And reading Linus Torvalds' book about Linux.

I've added a lot of content. Now I'm thinking about how to multiply this content. Everything is just dialogues and characters driving between places. How do I make it more alive? Gameplay isn't really my thing so there probably won't be much gameplay in the game. I started it as a game with influences from movies and TV series and books. now it's starting to become something right in between a game and a TV series/movie/book. Because I figured out I don't even like coins and levels and intense action. It's a "game" of marketing reasons, because it has to be SOMETHING, but truly this is something else (I think, right now).

2023-06-13: More polish
TODAY is the day I release the current release (probably not? Or?).

2023-06-12: Polishing my release
HOPING to get a release out today (I will be shook if it actually happens)

2023-06-11: Fixing small problems. Making environmental graphics.

2023-06-10: redesigning areas

2023-06-09: Slowly
Slowly finihsing the current version of the game while listening to Franz Tornado

2023-06-08: Writing a lot!
Now I'm writing a lot! Big progress in little time, the opposite of what I did in MAY! I've thought unproportionally much about magnets the last 3 months.

2023-06-07: structuring more
functions.js needed structuring. Tomorrow starts the real work. But today is also real work in another way. Or something. This is somehow painful to do. Look at the picture, green is good and red is bad, as you might understand. Everything should be like green. So this is what I'm doing now.

2023-06-06: functions.js
Replaced spaces with tabs

Not much, but may make difference in some way. Also I was stuck in a car today!! Totally trapped! Couldn't get out!


2023-06-05: put some story togetha

2023-06-04: wrote some moe funny things

2023-06-03: wrote
some fun things

2023-06-02: fixing small things
have no energy for anything else than doing things on autocomplete. so going through old notes and fixing small thangs

2023-06-01: Changed the code

Added order-increasing lines. The only way to increase order without removing things or ordering existing things? Maybe not.

You know, when you take 100 sections with random content and random structure, and give them the same structure, it doesn't feel like 100 different sections anymore, it feels like a larger cohesive thing.
