This Is (NOT!) A Car Club - BIBLE

how the game's code works (pop culture version)

Files: game3.php - loadfirst3.js - ascend3.js (readable) - functions3.js (readable.) - basic3.js (readable) - input3.js (readable) - main3.js (readable)

Functions that run every frame (or at least regularly and repeating)

- runs every frame and updates the 3D terrain etc

- controls both the player's and AI characters' car movement

- handles both the player's and AI characters' physics, for example friction, collision, gravity, etc

- plays sounds depending on what you or AI characters do with the cars

- updates all layout

- updates the camera

- updates daylight and all other lights (mostly daylight)

- updates fog

- everything related to the current chunk

- first person shooter gameplay code

- everything related to cut value. one big part of it is a list of where all characters should be placed and move towards at certain events, and one big part is the full list of story dialogue. there's also a bit other stuff.

Dialogue & story functions

- sets character name & image and plays character sound at dialogue

cc(at_object, fdialog, from_x, from_z)
- shows dialogue in cutscene

cc2(at_object, fdialog, fdialog2, from_x, from_z)
- copy of cc() with different dialog depending on player's last answer

ccS(fdialog, fdialog2)
- copy of cc() for player's answer

ccS3(fdialog, fdialog2, fdialog3)
- copy of cc() for player's answer (3 answers!)

bet_pers(at_object, fdialog)
- shows dialogue BETween cutscenes. dialogue changes by timer

- rolling text in dialog

- copy of rolling_dialog() for player's answer

- copy of rolling_dialog() for player's answer (3d answer!)

room_set(wall_texture, floor_texture)
- creates a room with a specific wall and floor texture, for dialogue "cutscenes"

place_cz_in_room(fobject, direction, height, distance)
- places characters/objects close to the player, in a specific direction (n,s,e,w,ne,nw,se,sw). good for quickly making a dialogue scene that looks OK

place_cz_in_room_ground(fobject, direction, height, distance)
- place_cz_in_room() but characters/objects get placed right above ground automatically

World functions

- convert x or z position to chunk number

- convert x or z position to x or z position relative to chunk

x_in_chunk_to_x(fi1, fi)
- convert chunk-relative x or z position to "real" x or z position

distance_get_xz(fx1, fz1, fx2, fz2)
- get distance between two points

distance_get(fobject1, fobject2)
- get distance between two czs/objects

height_get_xz(x, z)
- get height at position, not exact height but heightgrid height

height_get_xz_exact(x, z)
- get exact height at position (interpolates between four points (height values) to find out the exact value -

- get exact height at a cz's/object's position

- get object value (another thing than cz/object. this is part of the terrain: trees, houses, etc) at cz's/object's position

place_sprite(fobject, fx, fz)
- Makes sure characters and/or objects get the correct height (just above ground)

place_sprite_noidle(fobject, fx, fz)
- same as place_sprite() but with no idle stuff

talk_char(fsprite, fpos_x, fpos_z, fcut, fdistance, fradius)
- abstraction for talk characters in chunk_set()

talk_char_still(fsprite, fpos_x, fpos_z, fcut, fdistance)
- talk_char() but for characters that stand still

talk_char_when(fsprite, fpos_x, fpos_z, fcut, fcut_after, fcut_last, fdistance, fradius)
- variant of talk_char

talk_char_when_still(fsprite, fpos_x, fpos_z, fcut, fcut_after, fcut_last)
- variant of talk_char() for going to different cuts depending on which cut you are at (=where in the game's story)

Terrain generation functions

distance_get_oval_xz(fx1, fz1, fx2, fz2, factorx, factorz)
- distance functions turn out to be useful for creating circles, or in this case ovals, in the terrain.

- From Graham Relf's game The Forest. All terrain creation in the game is based on this

- variation on grelf()

- a more "high-res" version of grelf()

- variation on grelf_detail()

- just a bit different grelf(), i think

- a more "high-res" version of grelf_objects(), i think

- just a bit different grelf(), i think

- a high-res version of grelf()

set_wideness_highness(fi1, fj1)
- here i set values that decide how the weights in set_weights() will turn out (= how the terrain will look)

set_weights(fi1, fj1, fi, fj)
- here weights get set that decide how the hm and object generation will turn out. everything here should come originally from the seed variable

calculate_chunklevel(fi1, fj1, fi, fj)
- tilts a whole chunk. complicated to explain but it's cool and effective

terrain_amplify(fi1, fj1, fi, fj, depth)
- creating a lake/hole in ONE chunk. or mountain

terrain_amplify_4chunks(fi1_start, fj1_start, fi1, fj1, fi, fj, depth, fpower)
- creating a lake/hole in 4 chunks. or mountain

terrain_make_plains(fi1, fj1, fi, fj, base)
- make plains in terrain

calculate_height(fi1, fj1, fi, fj)
- generate heightvalues to the hm[][][][] array

calculate_height_after(fi1, fj1)
- heightvalues generated by the in-game "minecraft" editor. this runs only one time per chunk, otherwise it's very slow. these should get added after everything else (if everything is set up right).

generate_objects_array(fi1, fj1, fi, fj)
- generate object values to the om[][][][] array

generate_objects_array_after(fi1, fj1)
- objects generated by the in-game "minecraft" editor. this runs only one time per chunk, otherwise it's very slow. these should get added after everything else (if everything is set up right).

Terrain handling/creating functions

create_terrain_3d_vertices(fi1, fj1, fi, fj)
- create terrain vertices from hm

create_objects_3d_ver_houses(fi1, fj1, fi, fj, ver_array, hght, roofheight)
- create house vertices

create_objects_3d_vertices(fi1, fj1, fi, fj, number)
- create vertices for object mesh/sprites/etc

create_3d_meshes(fi1, fj1)
- dynamic function for creating meshes (and pointsprites, etc) from vertices

- show and hide terrain chunks

- hide some things that should only be seen in the current chunk (to save draw calls so the game is faster)

- creates the terrain. runs at the start. also, a lot of code that just lies outside of functions in ascend.js also runs at start, before this.

create_too_large_arrays(fi1, fj1)
- function for creating a few time-consuming laaarge arrays. this is made into a function so we can create only the arrays we need, when we need them. creating all of them at the same time will take too long time.

- dynamic heightmap generation

- dynamic objects generation

- add and remove chunks when moving into a new place

Music/sound functions

- pauses all character sounds (obvious from name)

- play a sound from the START!

music_play(file, fvolume, floop, fspeed)
- plays mp3 file with Web Audio API

Race/road functions (most race functionality actually runs in cut_set()!)

add_road_block(fx, fz)
- abstraction for race_create()

race_create(x_array, z_array, number)
- creates a road, from an array of coordinates, that can be used for race. it also adds a bit of randomization in between the coordinates. unlike most other world generation that is automatic from simple seed values etc, this is semi-manual.

Misc. functions

hexcol(fobject, hex)
- function without the three.js stuff

- get pseudorandom value. always returns the same value if number is the same

- get current in-game time. you set minutes_resolution to 15 you get the current quarter, 60 you get the current hour, and so on. the game's time comes from frame_counter which increases with 1 every frame, so it's good to be able to get less exact time

lookat_datass(fobject1, fobject2)
- my own version of lookAt() that only works in x and z dimensions (=you can't look upwards). for characters/objects. because rotations and quaternions suck

lookat_datass_xz(fx1, fz1, fx2, fz2)
- my own version of lookAt() that only works in x and z dimensions (=you can't look upwards). for xz positions. because rotations and quaternions suck

- get the actual rotation in radians. my own function because the standard functions don't work (because rotations and quaternions suck).

- timescene abstraction

- timescene abstraction

- timescene abstraction

- timescene abstraction

fog_area(fred,fgreen,fblue, from_i1, to_i1, from_j1, to_j1)
- abstraction for fog_set()

- hides all characters that then can be shown in cut_set()

tex(file, r1, r2, mirrored)
- create texture material

snd(file, fvolume, floop)
- create sound

spr(file, size, width)
- create sprite

psp(file, fsize)
- create pointsprites material

(background image by sachikomiliart)